
Welcome to the
DP World Global
Education Platform

The flow of trade connects us all. How is it shaping our world?
Explore innovation in trade and sustainability through
exciting lessons and free resources -
from challenges and quizzes, to videos and VR!

Get Started

A variety of resources and e-learning courses at your fingertips!


Challenge yourself! Take a trade and logistics journey. Unlock innovation. Reduce carbon footprint.
Ages 11-17


Dive into freshwater ecosystems. What are WASH initiatives and why do they matter?
Ages 11-17

DP World Insider

Apply now for DP World’s industry-leading e-learning qualification
Age 17+ Student ID required


Level up your Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education. Gain Green Skills and Digital Skills. Learn all about logistics.

Sustainable Development Goals

All of our resources are aligned with the SDGs – supporting a better and more sustainable future for all.

Power up
your Potential

Unlock secrets of success.
Match with a career role that’s right for you.

Certificate in Terminal Operations

Apply now for DP World’s industry-leading e-learning qualification
Age 17+ Student ID required

Get in touch!

What more can we add to this site? Tell us!

Want to visit a DP World port, terminal or logistics facility with your school?